Thank you for submitting your Billing Authorization.
Your next step is to choose the website/product below that you are requesting so that you may submit your payment and set up your Username and Password.
Please Note, if you already have a Username and Password and you are just upgrading from a Free Account, please choose the appropriate link below.

Florida Tax Auction (Pre-Auction Tax Deed Records)

Choose your option >>         Join as a New Client           Upgrade your Free Account


Tax Auction Surplus (Post-Auction Surplus Records)

Choose your option >>           Join as a New Client           Upgrade your Free Account


Surplus Database Pro (Post-Auction Surplus Records + Lien Research)

Choose your option >>           Join as a New Client          


Forms Only (Client and Claim Forms)

Use this link to submit your payment online

Once you pay, you will be re-directed to a page with a zipped file. Please download that to your computer and ‘unzip’ it.

If you have any problems filling out the Billing Authorization Form, or submitting your payment, please contact: